Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bela kucing tidak kena tempat!!!!

Berita ini mengambarkan hendak buat baik tapi tidak kena pada tempatnya...

New York (October 2010) - Two women have been cited for animal cruelty in Vermont after police found 77 cats living in two cars.

The Bennington Banner newspaper reports that prosecutors will consider whether to upgrade the civil citations to criminal charges against 54-year-old Regina Millard and 61-year-old Bertha Ryan.
Police say one of the cats was found dead in the trunk of one of the cars on Friday. 
Plates of food were inside, and some of the cats had faecal matter matted to their fur.

Bennington Police Chief Paul Doucette says the women owned two of the cats and were apparently looking for homes for the rest.
Police investigated after someone complained about seeing people sleeping in the cars with the cats.

        "Reza": Kenapalah buat macam tu??Kesian kena tinggal dalam kreta...huh..huh

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